Monday, May 2, 2011

Fields of Gold

What an amazing shoot! What started out as pure fun to test our new lens, turned into an awesome array of photos. Taken right when the sun is wanting to set, the golden hue creates a warming glow on each of the photos. Rudy was the photographer and I was the model. We took some of the photos in an orange grove near our home. The fields of gold shots were also taken near our home. Each photo was taken using complete manual settings, to allow sufficient light into the lens. Amazing... Love my husband for these~

Monday, April 11, 2011

For the love of Photography...

One of the things I strongly believe in, is that when you love something, it's on your mind always. Photography to me, is not a sometimes thing, it's always on my mind. As I see beautiful things surround me in life, whether it's people, places or things... I want to photograph it, so I never forget it. This is not a business to me... it's an inclination of the heart. Photography and Poetry are two of my favorite things. So, as I see the world around me and capture beauty through the lens, I also remind myself of how truly blessed I am.

Friday, April 1, 2011

New York state of mind

What can I say, Rudy and I are New yorkers at heart. NYC is home sweet home to us. As we take frequent enough trips to visit friends and family back home, we always make time to visit the City. Here are just a few pictures we've taken, that leave us nostalgic for our home town.

Monday, March 28, 2011

At Home Studio Time!

I must admit, I am not a good blogger, although I love to write. But here I go, starting up again. So, about 2 weekends ago, I had some friends over for dinner. We ate, chatted and had a good time. I then thought of how great it would be to use my little at home studio to take photos with my friends. Well, it turned into a laugh fest and we couldn't get out from in front of the camera. What fun! Here are a few photos we captured!