Sunday, December 20, 2009

Jessica & Alberto - Wedding

Congratulations to Jessica & Alberto. They planned a truly beautiful wedding! I was very happy to be the photographer for the event. Any photographer gets happy at the opportunity of photographing beautiful things and beautiful people. I believe that all wedding shots are priceless, but the ones taken in natural sunlight are the most stunning. That is where everyone shines in true natural beauty. Here are a few of my favorite shots!

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Aponte Family - Clermont FL

My sweet friend Nilsa should have been a veterenarian, because of her love for animals. Well, she has two babies at home, John Luke and Melody (her dogs). She wanted a family picture inclusive of her babies, since she was afraid John Luke wouldn't last much longer. Feeling her emotion, I said let's go take photos in Lake Louise State Park! One Lazy Sunday we packed the babies in the car and we were off. It was just that, an awesome laid back shoot on a Lazy Sunday. Rudy helped me with the best use of light in these photos, since the park was mostly shaded. Everything turned out perfect, the Babies posed quite well and she was so greatful in the end. Here are a few photos.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Montilla Family - My Cousins

This photo shoot was done on a Lazy Sunday evening. The sun had just set...and there was about 15 minutes of light after the sunset. This is the lighting that was used on these photos! Although we didn't have alot of time to take photos...their beautiful faces created beautiful images!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Special Shots!

As I have reviewed some of the photos we have taken... I wanted to pull some of the shots I have really liked along the way. Enjoy!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Aveda School of Cosmetology - Orlando FL

I was asked by a friend at work to help photograph models at the Aveda school of Cosmetology. There were many models there who had their hair and makeup done by the Aveda students. These photographs would be used as parts of their final exams. I was more than happy to help. Here are a few photos.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Carlos & Zuly's Wedding

Taken in Kissimmee FL, these are photos from Carlos & Zuly's wedding day. Although I was not the official photographer....I had fun taking a few special shots!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Anjali Samira QuiƱones - 2 Weeks

Anjali Samira is my baby niece…only 2 weeks old in these photos! Also living in NYC I traveled to meet her! She truly is a character within herself! Although she was having tummy problems, we fed her and after that, she was all set for her “Gerber” shot! My brother says at 2 weeks she’s ready for some modeling with Gerber, Similac and huggies! We took some cute shots in a bread basket they had in their apartment..worked like a charm! In a couple of weeks..she won’t be fitting in there I took advantage of her tiny size. I also love the one in Daddy’s arms and when she is holding on to Mommy’s finger…truly shows their bond! She has exceptional hand gestures while sleeping and even when awake….she is all too precious! Miss you & Love you!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mark Elias Perez Jr. - 2 Months

Mark Jr. is the son of my close friend Jenny…I have known Jenny for over 12 years. We have so many memories growing up! I was so ecstatic to meet her new baby boy! I couldn’t believe that I was not there during her pregnancy…but I couldn’t miss meeting her new little treasure! Mark Jr. looks like Daddy…. But is so content to spend his day in mommy’s presence! Once he was fed he was the happiest baby in the world! Smiling and modeling for his aunt Stacy. Since he loves Pooh bear, we tried to match the sheets to pooh’s t-shirt! Now we were ready to take photos! Mark Jr. played happily in the silk sheets…and little did he know, he allowed me to get some really great shots!

Ethan Luke Morales - 4 Months

What a blessing. So many of my girlfriends, including my sister in law had babies this year. I was so fortunate to be able to take a visit to NYC this summer and meet them all. Ethan is the son of my good friend Mini. I have known Mini for 8 years, and I couldn’t wait to meet her new little boy! When I met him…all I could say was “What a good Baby”! Ethan is calm and mild tempered. He also smiles a lot! He is 4 months old in these photos. I photographed Ethan in his mommy’s room..with a few of his favorite stuffed animals, along with his favorite yellow blanket. He was such a happy baby for these photos!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Time with the Family

This is my family at Anna Maria Island beach. We had an amazing time, like we always do. It's family tradition to go at least once a year for a weekend. And take special sunset photos as well. This time was special, since it was my nephew Caleb's first trip to the beach. He enjoyed the beach, but absolutely loved the pool!

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Art of Indian Dance

Kudos to Lidia Carr, Rene Ferrer, Aziz Maazouz and Jorge Barrantes for being the photographers of these great photos of Me & Becky shown above!
Thank You!!

Dance is a physical and visual art form which has an immediate and massive impact on the on-looker. The various Indian forms act like a window to India's rich culture. Dance is a form of art, where the body is used as a medium of communication. Indian dances have influenced several other realms of art like poetry, sculpture, architecture, literature, music and theatre. The earliest archaeological evidence is a beautiful statuette of a dancing girl dated around 6000 BC. Bharata's Natya Shastra (believed to have been penned between the 2nd century B.C. and 2nd century A.D) is the earliest available treatise on dramaturgy.

It explains the intricacies of dance, emphasising on hand formations and their meanings, the kind of emotions and their categorisation, not to mention the kind of attire, the stage, and even the ornaments . All the dance forms revolve around the nine rasas or emotions, Hasya (happiness), krodha (anger), bhibasta (disgust), bhaya (fear), shoka (sorrow), viram (courage), karuna (compassion), adbhuta (wonder) and shanta (serenity). All dance forms follow the same hand gestures or hasta mudras for each of these rasas.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This was shot in one of my favorite places...Bradenton Beach..near Ana Marie Island. We watch the sunset everytime we go to the this shot is a portrait of our days there...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

This is a picture I shot of my Nephew Caleb - 5 months. One of my favorite Photos of him. He is so natural..staring right into the lens. Of course because his favorite aunt is behind the camera :o)